Saturday, October 8, 2011



              Life is important whatever happens in life are for our good. We have to overcome  the hurdels and hardships  and achieve things which we dreamt of.   Some times it gives us bitter results we should not get disappointed with that. We have to try hard to achieve.   I havent realised this until I saw some thing terrible.
    I was returning from chennai  during summer. I have no luggage so I took metro to the station and I arrived early at chennai central. I felt something different. i waited one hour for the train to  arrive . I have no reservation so I waited to talk with TC. But when I saw the chart there were 99 vacant seats in D3 .  During entrain I saw a  beautiful girl sitting near door.  I thought of sitting infront of girl but I don’t know what changed  my mind. I sat three seats behind her. I got bored and I started listening to linkinpark songs on my mobile. I did some mischievous things to enjoy with the on going curcum stances. But some thing terrible happened which changed the situation in to chaos.
         A young man was sitting behind was constantly staring at the window. He seems like he was suffering from some pain and lost in some of his thoughts. The train stopped in kavali.  I got down and took some thing to fill my belly. I was thulping chips and enjoying the music. The atmosphere was like a typical winter day with clouds and cool breeze. Train slowly rolled out of the station and gaining its speed. The guy sitting behind me asked some water. I gave bottle and he drank some and gave me my bottle back. I slowly closed my eyes and took a nap for some 10 min. Then I saw the guy behind me standing near door and streching his hand to   its max his body is literally outside train. I thought he is some gutsy guy who is enjoying his journey. I sat beside the emergency window so I am watching him clearly. Then he closed his eyes and and left one hand and with in split seconds his head banged a pole with huge sound and he fellout and under train. And train was at a speed of 70mph. when the people in the coach realised what happened train rolled several miles. I was shocked my whole body was trembling and my hands are shaking. I couldn’t think anything I felt something heavy in my head which evetually turned into severe head ache. This just happened in seconds. I don’t know what to do. I just gave that guy water.I looked at the bottle and thrown it away out of the window. I opened my lappy to deviate my mind its not helping me. I struggeled for 4hrs to stabilize. I couldn’t sleep at home that night. I was thinking what was the cause that provoked him to suicide that cruelly.
       Everyone have problems in life but suicide was not the way of escaping from it. We have some skill given by god to survive in this world. Some people think they made wrong choices that’s why they are suffering. We have to forget about past. We got here some how we have to reform ourselves according to situation and work hard and wisely to make ourselves better.  

Sunday, September 11, 2011



Queen of Sheeba had a crazy task this time around. For people who don't know about it,
 Queen of Sheeba is the Inter-Hostel Scavenger hunt at IIT Madras.
It has a lot of vague tasks. Like this one. One needs to get the best search result
for "Bang Banged Khabba, Khabba Banged Bang"
"Khabba" and "Banged" are the two Cultural and Literary head secretaries at college.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Geek max...........

   Geek max...........

when a geek propose to a girl..

i fear that i will always be
a lonely number like root 3
a 3 is all that's good and right
why must my 3 keep out of sight
beneath a vicious square root sign
i wish instead i were a 9
for 9 could thwart this evil trick
with just some quick arithmetic
i know i'll never see the sun
as 1.7321
such is my reality
a sad irrationality
when hark! what is this i see
another square root of a 3
has quietly come waltzing by
together now we multiply
to form a number we prefer
rejoicing as an integer
we break free from our mortal bonds
and with a wave of magic wands
our square root signs become unglued
and love for me has been renewed.       


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Masculine - Feminine

Spanish Teacher was explaining to her class that in Spanish, unlike English, nouns are designated as either masculine or feminine.

'House' for instance, is feminine: 'la casa.'
'Pencil,' however, is masculine: 'el lapiz.'

A student asked, 'What gender is 'computer'?'

Instead of giving the answer, the teacher split the class into two groups, male and female, and asked them to decide for themselves whether computer' should be a masculine or a feminine noun. Each group was asked to give four reasons for its recommendation.

The men's group decided that 'computer' should definitely be of the feminine gender ('la computadora'), because:

1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic;

2.The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else;

3. Even the smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for possible later retrieval; and

4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it.


The women's group, however, concluded that computers should be masculine ('el computador'), because:

1. In order to do anything with them, you have to turn them on;

2. They have a lot of data but still can't think for themselves;

3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they ARE the problem; and

4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that if you had waited a little longer, you could have gotten a better model.

The women won. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

                 I THINK IAM IN L………….. 
                                        Part –I
It’s a normal boring day in college. I was slowly descending stairs. Then I heard someone giggle, when I turned my head there was a glowing face with nice smile. We exchanged a glance. Then I walked passed her and turned back to see her again. To my shock she was my classmate from school.  That day I don’t know why it was pretty joyful beside my low performance in exam. I felt very light thinking of her. Her presence in front of my eyes made me forget all the things that were bothering me at that time. I couldn’t wait to see her again… 
            The very next day I waited for her to come and planned exactly to meet her on the stairs. That’s the only place I can talk to her alone. I said hi to her. She just smiled. I was very surprised to see you here. She said “girls can’t go to college or what?”  I mean U & ME in same college. She said “this was near to my home so I opted for this college”. I asked how you like this college so far. She nodded her head in both ways.  
   I asked so how were your studies going. She said don’t ask about studies we were doing that for f#%king 14 hours in a day. From that day on wards we used to greet each other at the same spot. Then we couldn’t find each other to talk for few days.
           After few days I got an announcement that I got a call from home. I was a bit surprised my parents won’t call me anytime. I used to call them. When I said hello I heard a sweet voice from the other side. I was silenced for some time I don’t know how to react. She said what you were thinking. I was shocked but it was good to hear from you. I missed you a lot. We spent lot of days talking to each other in the evenings through phone.

I couldn’t concentrate on my studies she was in my mind I couldn’t get her out of my mind. Whole college days were gone like the same way.
        I used to talk to her from my home when I went for holidays. Due to this my mother came to know that I was interested in some girl. My mother asked me what her name etc. My mother thought I was deeply in love with her.
          I have feelings for her what my mother thought was right.  When I was about to propose her…………………….

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

WANNA TRY..................

I was solving my tutorial for exams. I got pissed with the first question then second.......and got psyched.
then i read all the exam portion once again while watching  ICC world cup highlights.
Then ...I was able to solve this question. Can any one dare to solve this............ 

Consider the periodic signal associated with the figure shown below. What is the sampling frequency needed to reconstruct the signal without distortion? What are your assumptions ?

Thursday, April 14, 2011


            Sometimes life gives you wonderful gifts. When we think about our era we can pick up some events which were gifted. My school years were bookmarked for me as the beautiful days of my life. Without any doubt I had a blast in those days. 
                                   December 5th 2010.............
                      The day on which I can meet my friends in my school its                            ALUMNI DAY.
When I got up time was ticking past 7:30. I got on bus and reached Hanuman junction in 30 min. Three of my friends Srikanth, Raviteja and Hemanth were thulping breakfast in a hotel near bus stand. When I saw them there was some happiness which was good to feel but hard to describe. When they offered me breakfast it remembered the old days of us sharing each other’s eatables after parents’ day. I and srikanth took auto from there to sitharampuram. That was a small village near to our school. There was no change at all just some greenery diminished. From there our school was 3km far away and isolated from the outside world.   We waited for some of my friends to arrive and thought of going all together to school. After some time we went school.
         Our school has changed artificially but the essence wasn’t changed. Our school ground looks small now but, in school days when I was attending P.E.T in the foggy morning the track seems to be a endless marathon. The beautiful rose garden in front of school remembered the painful Sunday mornings on which we have to clean whole school like our own house by plucking weeds and unwanted grass.
                We went and sat in the assembly ground there was some speeches and advices going on and our teachers called us to say something to our juniors  our friends did it with ease and even got applause from the teachers. It remembered the fun days in which we practiced to say pledge and thought of the day in morning assemblies. 
               Then we went to mess to fill our grown bellies. I couldn’t remember the taste of our mess but I remembered us fighting for chapattis and three or more members eating in one plate. Mean while my friends were thulping off the varieties. (Especially jawahar...).        We had chit chat about us after mess for some time and decided to visit hostels.
       When we entered our hostel rooms it reminded the socks ball cricket and storeroom Table Tennis. We came out and sat down in handball court I heard (Balakrishna batanilu, chiranjeevi chagodilu .........). I wondered how long that old man sells eatables under sun  felt bad. Then we took Guavas from the same guy who has been  selling fruits from those days. Then we decided to go to school block once again and leave.
  We had so much fun and took some nice snaps of us..........
  Most happy thing was when I heard most of my friends were placed...
      I am Thankful to all my friends who made it a wonderful memory in my life......

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My First

                                           My FIRST ……….
When I entered classroom I saw so many like me sad, laughing and annoying others with drowsy faces. My Miss showed me a seat. I went and sat. I don’t know what to do. So I was waiting for my Miss to say something. First sentence from her mouth was “children keep silent and put finger on your mouth”.
Some of them cared what she said some of them not and continued talking and quarreling with the others. She showed a cane and there was pin drop silence. She asked us” tell your names one by one”.
Some were saying it proudly and some with shy. When it came to me I said nothing I don’t know why I did that. Miss came to me and held me with two hands and said “do not fear they are your  friends tell your name”. But nothing came out of my mouth. She stood up and asked the girl next to me to say her name. She said “POOJITHA”.
Miss turned to me and said “see how she said”. Now tell your name. I said it low voice as “sudhir”.
She patted me and went to board.  From there she asked poojitha to tell what she said yesterday.
I wondered that this girl is too intelligent that’s why Miss is pointing her too much. She stood up and said alphabets “A, B, C, D, E…………………..”
She gave notes in which she scribbled alphabets.  I slowly started taking down them and she asked are you hungry. I said “no”.
She took a sweet from her lunch box and started eating. When I saw that sweet I felt hungry and a set of chemical reactions started in my mouth. I asked her can I have a sweet. she showed the empty box. Then she gave a half of sweet which she was eating. From that moment she became a best friend of mine.
We used to exchange lunch boxes, chocolates and play together in school. My home is nearer to school compared to her we used to play at my home and watch cartoons. Because of us our two families became closer.
I got first in the first exam.  She was sad because she only explained things to me about exam.
When I saw her progress there is just 5 marks difference in art. I said I can teach you art. I don’t know what I taught her or what she learnt we used to play with colors and make my house floor dirty.
 One day she was absent to school. I felt whole day boring because she was the only friend I have.
Next day I saw her in a white angel like dress and a chocolate box in her hand.  Miss asked all of us to sing happy birthday song. I can’t forget her smile that day. She gave chocolates to all and sat beside me.
I asked why she was absent yesterday. She said “I went to buy dress with my family. My parents arranged a dinner come quickly we will play”.
                        I went running to my home after school and did a quick bath myself and clothed myself quickly (those were done by my mom usually).   I asked my mother to give me 100 bucks to buy a gift to poojitha. She said we already bought a gift. I said that’s your gift I have to give something. My mother said “Give our gift by yourself”. I refused and cried she couldn’t bare me and gave 50 bucks to me at last.
My mother sent my cousin with me to buy something for me with the money I have. We went to a fancy gift shop. I pointed my finger to a watercolor box. My cousin made it gift wrapped and gave it to me. My cousin dropped me at her home.

That was the most unforgettable memory of mine. She sliced a cake and gave first two pieces to her parents and third slice was mine. Whole party I was flying high with her not caring anyone. She opened my gift and said I like this and kissed me.
I spent whole year of happiness with her and at the year ending there was an annual day. My Miss asked us to perform something on stage on that day.
We both danced on our annual day. That day was unforgettable. My mother said that day that they were leaving Vijayawada because her father had a transfer to north. I went and asked poojitha she said yes. I don’t know why I cried. With my intense shouts of cry she started crying. But my parents and their parents were laughing. Hearing them laugh made me cry more……………………………………….. :(
  I cried for two days and stayed at their home for two days until they left Vijayawada………….

                    Whenever I saw the pic of our annual day function with me and poojitha dancing I feel ……………………………………………. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

ARSENAL- BARCELONA as it happened

                                         Arsenal- Barcelona as it happened…
Arsenal seems pretty confident even though 90,000 fans were booing them at the start.  After a lot of suspense and discussions about Van persie I was glad to see him in the starting lineup.  They know that it will be hard nutshell to break Barca’s defense and irritating high possession and defending dreadful attacking forwards Villa and Messi.     
             Wenger thought of defensive play for the first half and they managed it properly   even though they were pondering attacks throughout the game. Djourou played his part to his best.
But in the early minutes there was an injury which might have been a worse thing that their goalie was injured. Alumina entered to take the blows from Barca. But they have resisted Barca successfully for the first 45 minutes. An extra time for 4 min this was the bad time for arsenal fans.

                                                                                                                                                                       There comes the culprit, Fabre if he wanted to go to Barca go and have his g*@y partners but don’t destroy Arsenal's dream. His foolish back heel in front of D line which gave a moment of magic for Messi three minutes in to stoppage time.
Arsenal thought of comeback in the second half like their home game and started attacking moves better than first half.  And they got a bit lucky and found back of net by Sergio’s header. 

After that goal arsenal was trying to intensify the attack and the wonder youngster Wilshere making space for a goal there was a strong tackle by Inesta a bit of quarrel. And Abidal went for van persie’s neck and there is no card for him just a discussion.

But their advantage of away goal was shattered in few moments later by a joke red card by the referee.  Which was complete childish. Being a Manchester united fan I expected a good and exciting football game. Even though everyone predicted Barca will win but not like this…
         From there Barca used their advantage of 10 men and knifed Arsenal’s defense so many times but only found  goals by xavi and Messi’s penalty...   

At the END....
                                Arsenal is waiting to take another trophy draught blow from
              Manchester united……….


Monday, March 7, 2011

Guys remember this............


           Guys remember this u may experience it the other day……….. 
         A girl has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, you have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired.
                                                                                        courtesy :      INTERNET

Saturday, February 26, 2011

LOST LOVE..................

LOST LOVE......... 
Bye. I'll miss you," was what I said when she was getting on train.  For the next five minutes, I watched my best friend ever since kindergarten   leaving.
Twelve hours later, I got my first phone call from her since she's been in Hyderabad.
"How do you like it so far?" I asked.
"I don't. It's away from all of you guys," she replied.
Well I hope that I don't lose you as a friend. Promise me that, it doesn't change our friendship," I told her.
"I promise," as she agreed.
We talked a while longer talking about our past.
For the next month, she kept her promise calling me every day. But one day I called her and she sounded busy. There was loud music playing in the background, and girls laughing.
"Where are you?" I asked.
"I'm at a party," she said as she laughed.
"You have friends?" I said.
"Yeah I do. Can I call you after the party?" she asked. She hung up the phone before I had the chance to say anything. I threw my phone on my bed and I followed it. In no time, I fell asleep.
A bad dream woke me up. I looked at the clock and it was 2:22 AM. I checked my phone to see if she called since I'm a very heavy sleeper. No missed call, no text message. It was 4:22 AM over there. I know she would call me because she said so. I waited… and fell asleep
I woke up that morning pretty late. I wasn't feeling good so I slept in. When I did wake up, I called her to check up on her.  Her side of the line was dead silence.
"Sorry I didn't call back after the party," was the first thing she said when she answered.
"It's okay," I started. "When did you get home anyways?"
"Around one," she replied.
I just nodded but it wasn't like she could see me. she knew me well enough though. she should know I wouldn't say anything.
"But I'm kind of sleeping right now. Can I call you when I wake up?" she said nicely.
I really didn't want to hang up. I wanted to talk to her and learn about her new friends and the party last night. I just hung up on her when I heard silence.
An hour passed and no phone call. The whole day, no phone call.
Before I went to sleep that night, I wanted to call her but I changed my mind. I did my chores instead.
That whole week, I had work. I had no time to myself. she even called once but I didn't feel like answering. I managed to do it all in that week, and it was finally the weekend. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I decided to call her. One ring, then two, then three-after that, I knew that she wouldn't answer so I hung up on the fifth ring. I called again just in case it didn't go through. Again, she didn't answer. I just went to sleep.

My heart jumped as I heard my phone ringing. I looked at the name and it was her name. I answered it expecting it to be her but it was her uncle instead.,  "
     Her family got into an accident, she didn't make it."
I broke down and he hung up.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                 Two days later I went to the funeral…… I got up and went to the coffin. I looked in and her face was so pale. Her lips were blue and her beautiful face covered with cuts and bruises.  I am unable to stop the tears rolling down my face.
The funeral was over and they carried the coffin away. Before they closed it, I noticed something around her neck. It was the necklace made out of paperclips I gave to her in kindergarten………………….

Saturday, February 12, 2011


         MY first wall jump….
     I spent more than 80% of my life in hostels. Hostel life is awesome…….in some ways. My most memorable hostel days were my school days.  So many mischievous things happened which were the memorabilia of my life. One of the incidents was……
        Those were busy days with mugging to put pseud in our tenth board exams. Our seniors used to go for movies in the night without permission. That day somehow got the wane interest of watching a movie.
       The time was 8:00 pm in the night. There were five seniors coming with me. That was my first outing without permission. I was excited and tensed as well. We went to backside of our hostels. There was a 6ft wall and beside that there were two bags of sand which makes the jump easy. When i jumped the wall it felt like one milestone was achieved and some more to go.  Our school was in the middle of sugarcane, coconut and paddy fields.   We have to walk through fields about 2km to get to the main road.
      We came across a sugarcane field. I was afraid of snakes a lot because I shared some near death experiences with them. My   seniors were walking peacefully but, due to my snake phobia I am literally hopping behind them. They ignored me and talking about some exasperate topic. I saw an excruciating and thought that was snake and cried out loud. They got tensed and asked me what happened. I said snake. They looked at each other and laughed and one senior went and plucked that plant and showed me. One senior blabbered that go back to hostel we can’t carry out with you.  I was pretty scared and ready to go back and asked someone to come back with me. Nobody was willing so they asked me to continue.  This time one senior was beside me emboldening. We saw the main road it gave a sigh of relief for me. The theater was 7 km from there. We crushed ourselves in a share auto and in a couple of minutes we reached the theater.
           Movie was almost started we went in. That Theater was the most beautiful one in that area which has natural AC and a separate home for each and every mouse under every seat and smell which will come when me mix hundreds of perfumes.  Movie was starred by Nagurjuna and shriya saran an epic excruciating sentimentum in it. I got bored and thinking about consequences if I got caught. After two and half hours movie was finished and we came out time was 12 ‘O’ clock.
         There was not even a single vehicle, so all of us decided to walk 7km. what a pain to walk 7km. But I was a bit athletic those days so I thought it was not a big deal. We walked peacefully all the way with some mischievous things like scared the shit out of some dogs by chasing them and plucking sugarcane from the fields and chased by the farm keeper. In the return journey I felt a bit confident. Not afraid and thinking that I did some memorable thing. When we came to school time was two in the morning. I peacefully slept thinking about it.
        In the morning I came to know that I was almost got caught but house leader skipped my name entirely while taking roll call so that our warden wouldn’t recognize.
           Any way what a wonderful exalting experience …………..

Friday, February 4, 2011

Play of words........

   He told me that, he loves my sister”   
 Now add ‘only’ in the sentence after every word consecutively.

 Only he told me that, he loves my sister.

 He only told me that, he loves my sister.

 He told only me that, he loves my sister.

 He told me only that, he loves my sister.

 He told me that, only he loves my sister.

 He told me that, he only loves my sister.

 He told me that, he loves my only sister.

 He told me that, he loves my sister only.

  Every sentence has its own meaning but we usually use the last sentence……..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

                AGAIN &AGAIN ……………   
        How wonderful these days are for Manchester United fans.  Awesome comebacks and good composure throughout the game. Sparkling performances from youngsters.
Teams who are equal to three times the Manchester United’s   team price (Manchester city) and are not able to produce results as good as  Manchester United.  
                   Teams who have world class players (CHELSEA) started season with a thulping victory over a relegation zone team (West Bromwich Albion) & dreamt of holding the silver ware again. And they got sliced out from the title favorites because of two player’s injury (Terry, Lampard) for a couple of weeks. And even after their arrival they are struggling to get their form back.
         And a team (Arsenal) calls themselves as gunners couldn’t hit bull’s eye from the past five years and trying to atleast take a look of the silverware this year. 
          There is a team (Liverpool) who are trying to get out of the relegation zone and atleast qualify to EUROPA LEAGUE. 
         Unbeaten season until now without a proper replacement for Ronaldo and absence of our players (Valencia, park) in spite of poor form of our World class players (Rooney).
         We  are not the teams who depends on a single player, we are not a team who haven’t seen the silverware for years,  we are not team who shows history if asks about performance
   We are    MANCHESTER UNITED …….

Monday, January 24, 2011


What Politics Are About
I don’t like politics anymore because what I believed politics were about is wrong.
Here is what I used to think politics were about:
Ideas, beliefs, philosophies and ultimately how these should be used to shape the course and ongoing architecture of our nation for the better.
And here is what politics is really about:
Money, power and control.
And how do you control people? With laws. What are politician’s jobs? To make laws. They are lawmakers. How can I like any of them when I don’t like what they make?
Think about the condition of one of the largest State in the country. The political crisis in Andhra Pradesh, triggered by the telangana issue showed no signs to care about common people. During the last one year, political instability, Violent protests over a separate telangana state, natural calamities and financial crunch have battered the state like never before. 
                 An approximate of 6,000 crores was loss to the Andhra treasury. Which sects of people are responsible for those losses? I am not pointing out caste or religion it’s the about the current people who are wasting time by taking part in the agitations.  See K.C.R the head of Telangana rashtra samithi he is indulging students of osmania as agitators for his political profit.  
 Our state superior heads in politics are using common people to show their strength through agitations.  In other countries workers or employees won’t boycott work if they have problems with management they will wear a black band to show their dissatisfaction.  Why can’t we do that? Instead we were not only boycotting work destroying our own properties.  We are dragging ourselves in to pathetic conditions.
                            How can our nation compete like this with a nation that is developed………………………………………..

Monday, January 17, 2011

                                               THE JOURNEY
                 My mother was preparing something in kitchen and I smelt what that was.  My father sat facing me and asking about how college was. And how I had written exams.  When I was about to tell...My mother said “first let him complete his dinner. After so many months I was about to eat my mother’s dish.  Our mess food was fine for eating once, but my tongue got tired eating that every day. My mother neatly arranged all the items before me. She asked which thing you first want to eat. I not even spoke just signaled my dearth filled eyes to chicken kebabs. She placed two kebabs in my plate. I took one and when I was about to……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
SUDDEN BANG and the sound continued…………... Then I opened my eyes. I was very disappointed because my delicious dream was disturbed. My friend, Google was banging the door with his foot.  He told it was 10 in the morning get your ass out of bed.  The worst thing was that was the last day in campus. We completed our odd SEM exams.  As that was the first holidays for us from our college, my new pals planned to go together.  I came to my room after completing my last supper for that SEM in our mess. I started throwing my clothes in my bag like dumping waste in dustbin. Train was at 6 in the evening. I got a call from 2KG asking when we were leaving I said at 4:30.  
                   Atmosphere was rainy from the past days. when we were about to begin it started raining, But it stopped after 15 min. Me,2KG and Hitesh started from our hostel as our hostel was nearer to back gate.  First I carried my bag as if it was the most precious thing. But slowly I couldn’t bear the pain it’s too heavy and I dragged my bag through rain water. When we went to bust station and waited for almost 15 min. One guy came near us and said in Tamil that buses were        not running in this route, because rain water came up on the low bridge and blocked the way. We had not much time to catch the train then. We three decided to take auto. When we got into auto it started raining heavily.  Due to situation autowala culted 400 bucks from us. At last after 45min of my first and may be last floods footage video live we came to the terminal.

                 When we came to the terminal an announcement was going on about charminar express. We not even paid attention of that and ran towards the platform from which our train is about to departure. We searched for our compartment and as we got on train started. We saw our friend’s faces tired or soaked in rain. I went to my berth and there was two guys one old and the other bald. My berth was between them and all three berths before was my friends. I lied to the uncle who was sitting beside the window that I was allergic to train and want to sit beside window he agreed and gave me window seat. My front berth was VENNIS beside him was 2KG and COCK.
            Uncle beside asked where I was from and I said Vijayawada. Which college your were from he asked I expected that and proudly said IITMADRAS. Then his reply was why you came all the way to madras, while we were having good colleges in AP. Listening to his reply I felt like jumping out of train.  And he asked was that a government college and said I heard that in govt colleges study was not good.  I couldn’t bear any of those questions, my friends before me was enjoying watching my reactions for his irritating questions.  We are not observing train speed and watched a boring movie until the red led blinked on the side of the lappy (laptop) keypad indicating low battery.
               As we closed lappy we felt that train is not moving. I asked uncle beside me where were we. He said we were in between Chennai and Sullurpeta it was next to Chennai. All the journey mates were talking that there was a problem of railway track at Nellore due to floods and all trains are running at 3 or 4 hours delay. That was the worst time I spent in train just sitting beside a bald uncle who was asphyxiating   me by annoying questions about my college and studies. Train started after a boring 3 hours in mean time we took life of another lappy.  Train was picking its speed. My friend VENNIS before me was moving his fingers faster than train on his cyber shot mobile. A Terrible  thing happened, which was 2KG  sitting beside vennis just gave a push on his shoulder and saw his mobile sliding out of window nice and slowly. When I turned my face towards them each were looking at each other as if someone was hammering on their heads. COCK was the first one to react and said pull the chain. Vennis dragged chain with ease and train stopped after rolling for a few meters.
                We all got down and trying to find the mobile in the pitch black darkness. As I am too afraid to go farther from my   compartment I stayed there and trying to call his mobile. We were hoping someone’s call can ignite the mobile to life.  And I saw one guy coming towards our compartment checking something under every compartment with his large torch. He came near our compartment he is wearing some blue uniform he saw with his torch and asked who pulled chain. My friend COCK who was beside me stepped forward to say something. The guy started abusing in gult “ne…………, err…….” He said who will be responsible if any thieves come and blah blah…..We talked nothing because they are already irritated by late running of trains. He also went to search for the mobile. They got the mobile. That railway guy told us to hop in to train and u guys will be fined at Vijayawada. And there will a punishment. All of us got on train we can’t stop laughing remembering their faces. 
        At last after at 3:30 in morning train reached Vijayawada. Nothing happened in Vijayawada. We greeted each other and left from there to enjoy the holidays ………
                                                                                                                                                            That’s my wonderful journey with pain, fun, adventure and remembrance.