Saturday, February 26, 2011

LOST LOVE..................

LOST LOVE......... 
Bye. I'll miss you," was what I said when she was getting on train.  For the next five minutes, I watched my best friend ever since kindergarten   leaving.
Twelve hours later, I got my first phone call from her since she's been in Hyderabad.
"How do you like it so far?" I asked.
"I don't. It's away from all of you guys," she replied.
Well I hope that I don't lose you as a friend. Promise me that, it doesn't change our friendship," I told her.
"I promise," as she agreed.
We talked a while longer talking about our past.
For the next month, she kept her promise calling me every day. But one day I called her and she sounded busy. There was loud music playing in the background, and girls laughing.
"Where are you?" I asked.
"I'm at a party," she said as she laughed.
"You have friends?" I said.
"Yeah I do. Can I call you after the party?" she asked. She hung up the phone before I had the chance to say anything. I threw my phone on my bed and I followed it. In no time, I fell asleep.
A bad dream woke me up. I looked at the clock and it was 2:22 AM. I checked my phone to see if she called since I'm a very heavy sleeper. No missed call, no text message. It was 4:22 AM over there. I know she would call me because she said so. I waited… and fell asleep
I woke up that morning pretty late. I wasn't feeling good so I slept in. When I did wake up, I called her to check up on her.  Her side of the line was dead silence.
"Sorry I didn't call back after the party," was the first thing she said when she answered.
"It's okay," I started. "When did you get home anyways?"
"Around one," she replied.
I just nodded but it wasn't like she could see me. she knew me well enough though. she should know I wouldn't say anything.
"But I'm kind of sleeping right now. Can I call you when I wake up?" she said nicely.
I really didn't want to hang up. I wanted to talk to her and learn about her new friends and the party last night. I just hung up on her when I heard silence.
An hour passed and no phone call. The whole day, no phone call.
Before I went to sleep that night, I wanted to call her but I changed my mind. I did my chores instead.
That whole week, I had work. I had no time to myself. she even called once but I didn't feel like answering. I managed to do it all in that week, and it was finally the weekend. I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. I decided to call her. One ring, then two, then three-after that, I knew that she wouldn't answer so I hung up on the fifth ring. I called again just in case it didn't go through. Again, she didn't answer. I just went to sleep.

My heart jumped as I heard my phone ringing. I looked at the name and it was her name. I answered it expecting it to be her but it was her uncle instead.,  "
     Her family got into an accident, she didn't make it."
I broke down and he hung up.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                 Two days later I went to the funeral…… I got up and went to the coffin. I looked in and her face was so pale. Her lips were blue and her beautiful face covered with cuts and bruises.  I am unable to stop the tears rolling down my face.
The funeral was over and they carried the coffin away. Before they closed it, I noticed something around her neck. It was the necklace made out of paperclips I gave to her in kindergarten………………….

1 comment:

  1. wow...reeally good one....i didn't expect her death....u may added something about her last cal..may be like.."before she was leaving to heaven, she made her last call to me. I should'n have made it. I found small letter in her room after that day, which addressing me, regarding her friends and party on that day.."..or something like that...

    anyway..really good one
