Saturday, October 8, 2011



              Life is important whatever happens in life are for our good. We have to overcome  the hurdels and hardships  and achieve things which we dreamt of.   Some times it gives us bitter results we should not get disappointed with that. We have to try hard to achieve.   I havent realised this until I saw some thing terrible.
    I was returning from chennai  during summer. I have no luggage so I took metro to the station and I arrived early at chennai central. I felt something different. i waited one hour for the train to  arrive . I have no reservation so I waited to talk with TC. But when I saw the chart there were 99 vacant seats in D3 .  During entrain I saw a  beautiful girl sitting near door.  I thought of sitting infront of girl but I don’t know what changed  my mind. I sat three seats behind her. I got bored and I started listening to linkinpark songs on my mobile. I did some mischievous things to enjoy with the on going curcum stances. But some thing terrible happened which changed the situation in to chaos.
         A young man was sitting behind was constantly staring at the window. He seems like he was suffering from some pain and lost in some of his thoughts. The train stopped in kavali.  I got down and took some thing to fill my belly. I was thulping chips and enjoying the music. The atmosphere was like a typical winter day with clouds and cool breeze. Train slowly rolled out of the station and gaining its speed. The guy sitting behind me asked some water. I gave bottle and he drank some and gave me my bottle back. I slowly closed my eyes and took a nap for some 10 min. Then I saw the guy behind me standing near door and streching his hand to   its max his body is literally outside train. I thought he is some gutsy guy who is enjoying his journey. I sat beside the emergency window so I am watching him clearly. Then he closed his eyes and and left one hand and with in split seconds his head banged a pole with huge sound and he fellout and under train. And train was at a speed of 70mph. when the people in the coach realised what happened train rolled several miles. I was shocked my whole body was trembling and my hands are shaking. I couldn’t think anything I felt something heavy in my head which evetually turned into severe head ache. This just happened in seconds. I don’t know what to do. I just gave that guy water.I looked at the bottle and thrown it away out of the window. I opened my lappy to deviate my mind its not helping me. I struggeled for 4hrs to stabilize. I couldn’t sleep at home that night. I was thinking what was the cause that provoked him to suicide that cruelly.
       Everyone have problems in life but suicide was not the way of escaping from it. We have some skill given by god to survive in this world. Some people think they made wrong choices that’s why they are suffering. We have to forget about past. We got here some how we have to reform ourselves according to situation and work hard and wisely to make ourselves better.  

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