Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My First

                                           My FIRST ……….
When I entered classroom I saw so many like me sad, laughing and annoying others with drowsy faces. My Miss showed me a seat. I went and sat. I don’t know what to do. So I was waiting for my Miss to say something. First sentence from her mouth was “children keep silent and put finger on your mouth”.
Some of them cared what she said some of them not and continued talking and quarreling with the others. She showed a cane and there was pin drop silence. She asked us” tell your names one by one”.
Some were saying it proudly and some with shy. When it came to me I said nothing I don’t know why I did that. Miss came to me and held me with two hands and said “do not fear they are your  friends tell your name”. But nothing came out of my mouth. She stood up and asked the girl next to me to say her name. She said “POOJITHA”.
Miss turned to me and said “see how she said”. Now tell your name. I said it low voice as “sudhir”.
She patted me and went to board.  From there she asked poojitha to tell what she said yesterday.
I wondered that this girl is too intelligent that’s why Miss is pointing her too much. She stood up and said alphabets “A, B, C, D, E…………………..”
She gave notes in which she scribbled alphabets.  I slowly started taking down them and she asked are you hungry. I said “no”.
She took a sweet from her lunch box and started eating. When I saw that sweet I felt hungry and a set of chemical reactions started in my mouth. I asked her can I have a sweet. she showed the empty box. Then she gave a half of sweet which she was eating. From that moment she became a best friend of mine.
We used to exchange lunch boxes, chocolates and play together in school. My home is nearer to school compared to her we used to play at my home and watch cartoons. Because of us our two families became closer.
I got first in the first exam.  She was sad because she only explained things to me about exam.
When I saw her progress there is just 5 marks difference in art. I said I can teach you art. I don’t know what I taught her or what she learnt we used to play with colors and make my house floor dirty.
 One day she was absent to school. I felt whole day boring because she was the only friend I have.
Next day I saw her in a white angel like dress and a chocolate box in her hand.  Miss asked all of us to sing happy birthday song. I can’t forget her smile that day. She gave chocolates to all and sat beside me.
I asked why she was absent yesterday. She said “I went to buy dress with my family. My parents arranged a dinner come quickly we will play”.
                        I went running to my home after school and did a quick bath myself and clothed myself quickly (those were done by my mom usually).   I asked my mother to give me 100 bucks to buy a gift to poojitha. She said we already bought a gift. I said that’s your gift I have to give something. My mother said “Give our gift by yourself”. I refused and cried she couldn’t bare me and gave 50 bucks to me at last.
My mother sent my cousin with me to buy something for me with the money I have. We went to a fancy gift shop. I pointed my finger to a watercolor box. My cousin made it gift wrapped and gave it to me. My cousin dropped me at her home.

That was the most unforgettable memory of mine. She sliced a cake and gave first two pieces to her parents and third slice was mine. Whole party I was flying high with her not caring anyone. She opened my gift and said I like this and kissed me.
I spent whole year of happiness with her and at the year ending there was an annual day. My Miss asked us to perform something on stage on that day.
We both danced on our annual day. That day was unforgettable. My mother said that day that they were leaving Vijayawada because her father had a transfer to north. I went and asked poojitha she said yes. I don’t know why I cried. With my intense shouts of cry she started crying. But my parents and their parents were laughing. Hearing them laugh made me cry more……………………………………….. :(
  I cried for two days and stayed at their home for two days until they left Vijayawada………….

                    Whenever I saw the pic of our annual day function with me and poojitha dancing I feel ……………………………………………. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

ARSENAL- BARCELONA as it happened

                                         Arsenal- Barcelona as it happened…
Arsenal seems pretty confident even though 90,000 fans were booing them at the start.  After a lot of suspense and discussions about Van persie I was glad to see him in the starting lineup.  They know that it will be hard nutshell to break Barca’s defense and irritating high possession and defending dreadful attacking forwards Villa and Messi.     
             Wenger thought of defensive play for the first half and they managed it properly   even though they were pondering attacks throughout the game. Djourou played his part to his best.
But in the early minutes there was an injury which might have been a worse thing that their goalie was injured. Alumina entered to take the blows from Barca. But they have resisted Barca successfully for the first 45 minutes. An extra time for 4 min this was the bad time for arsenal fans.

                                                                                                                                                                       There comes the culprit, Fabre if he wanted to go to Barca go and have his g*@y partners but don’t destroy Arsenal's dream. His foolish back heel in front of D line which gave a moment of magic for Messi three minutes in to stoppage time.
Arsenal thought of comeback in the second half like their home game and started attacking moves better than first half.  And they got a bit lucky and found back of net by Sergio’s header. 

After that goal arsenal was trying to intensify the attack and the wonder youngster Wilshere making space for a goal there was a strong tackle by Inesta a bit of quarrel. And Abidal went for van persie’s neck and there is no card for him just a discussion.

But their advantage of away goal was shattered in few moments later by a joke red card by the referee.  Which was complete childish. Being a Manchester united fan I expected a good and exciting football game. Even though everyone predicted Barca will win but not like this…
         From there Barca used their advantage of 10 men and knifed Arsenal’s defense so many times but only found  goals by xavi and Messi’s penalty...   

At the END....
                                Arsenal is waiting to take another trophy draught blow from
              Manchester united……….


Monday, March 7, 2011

Guys remember this............


           Guys remember this u may experience it the other day……….. 
         A girl has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, you have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired.
                                                                                        courtesy :      INTERNET